F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Next Class Focus

How do you overcome challenges/problems? Pressure from work environment? How to evolve?

Themes in Fight Club

*Slang= local language


lunar  – loon ar

brand — b RAND

Eighth grade – ehh yu thuh grade


The main calendar of the Chinese culture is the lunar calendar. = adjective

The moon was full last week. = Noun 

the Latin language 拉丁语是一种死的语言- see here 

How has Latin influenced English?

Chinese New Year/ Spring Festival 春节/ 新的一年

Full moon = The Moon is a big…

calendar – to count the days somehow

…Solar calendar or the  Lunar calendar….

Lunar (adjective) for moon.

Shanghai is very different from the rest of China.

I heard —> I was hearing (over a time period)

to recommend —> I would recommend Osaka over Tokyo. Osaka is more traditional.

“vibes,” vibrations – the social environment, the communication between people (slang)

The prices for most goods in Osaka was much cheaper than in Tokyo.

Expensive vs cheap

Shanghai is expensive. Nantong is definitely cheaper than Shanghai, because it is a developing city. 

One of my favorite bands/musicians/artists  – I went top HK to see one of my favorite musicians. 

Celebrity Crush — a famous person that you really like , good conversation starter

Who is your celebrity crush? Ashin from Mayday.