F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (W+S)


Reading Homework!


Writing exercise

I’m trying to use words below to write a story

medieval, hemisphere, impression, aggressive, self-important, merchant, lyrics, candidate, delegate, conspiracy,

In the medieval, there had a impolite duke in the small country of the North hemisphere,people
didn’t like him because he was not a kindness prime minister, he gave people impression which was very aggressive and self-important.
On the other hand, there was also have a merchant, he (who) was like singing very much. His lyrics can courage people who are in the depress
One day, the country want to find a candidate who will delegate the country to negotiate the resources which are using wheat to exchange som thing they need.
The duke want to win the victory,so he let a guy to burn the warehouse
and try to frame the merchant. But a waitress who was work in duke house told him. Therefore the conspiracy was not work out.

Corrected Version: 

I’m trying to to write a story using words below.
medieval,hemisphere, impression, aggressive, self-important, merchant, lyrics, candidate, delegate, conspiracy,

During the medieval times, there was an impolite duke in a small country in the Northern hemisphere. People
didn’t like him because he was not a kindness prime minister, he gave people impression of being very aggressive and self-important.
On the other hand/ However, in this country there was also have a merchant, (he) who was liked singing very much. His lyrics were about/ courage people who are in the depress
One day, the country want to find a candidate who will delegate the country to negotiate the resources which are using wheat to exchange som thing they need.
The duke want to win the victory,so he let a guy to burn the warehouse
and try to frame the merchant. But a waitress who was work in duke house told him. Therefore the conspiracy was not work out.


had been vs. was 

kindness = Noun, adjective= kind        -ness = noun 

greatness= Noun, adjective = great          busi-ness= noun

were about——> His lyrics were telling stories

about = to explanation


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

pass it on  = convey = carry forward

phrases  = a part of speech: they Have to be used within a context

example.  Gift of Gab , Gap . My friend is very talkative, he has the gift of gab / silver tongue. 

the Gift of Gab/Silver tongue  = to be good at talking,

On the other hand—-> To compare TWO things

“The Kids these days” —–> 

  1. to Summarize a Current Situation about younger people … Older people —> Younger People…., “They are doing this because they are younger and more foolish, less experienced in Life,”
  2. how much things do/have changed
  3. To complain about young people.

To have quit smoking — I never smoke anymore — I don’t smoke anymore — I have quit smoking/ I quit smoking.

  • 1) to have + 2) to quit + 3) to smoke 
  • Have you quit smoking? Do you smoke anymore? Do you smoke ever? (occasionally/from time to time)

It depends on the situation / country….

Why is impolite to refuse a cigarette? It shouldn’t be impolite to just say “No.”

Anti-Tobacco/Smoking Advertisements

Anti = to be against ,

  1. Abortion: a pregnant women she chooses to lose her baby