F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Needs more review

  1. What time did you start working today?

I started working at 2 ‘o clock… Did you work today? —>Yeah, I worked today/ I had work today…. I started working at 9 ‘o clock.

2. Kyle, how did you come here today?

I walked to work today.  我今天步行去上班。

I walked to school. 我步行去学校

I go to school. 我去上学。

I am going to school. 我要去上学。


Subjects 主题, 我们在说什么 Verbs 动词,, 行动词 Objects 对象, 事情:

I go to school= wo qu xue xiao.

Subject (Wo/<Me/I) + Verb + Object

I am going to school = 我现在就要去上学了。

Subject = I + Verb= am, to be + Verb= to go/Going + Subject= school.

—-> xian zai = right now.

事情正在发生现在 ——> something is happening right now

#1= the Present Tense 现在时


#2 =The Present Continuous Tense = 现在连续时态

Ex. I am drawing a picture.

ex. He is sleeping in the room. She is sleeping in the room. It is sleeping in the room.

ex. You are watching a movie  一部电影. We are watching a movie. They are watching a movie.


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write a story using each 1 of these verbs. 你用这些动词中的每一个写一个故事。Please use the #2 =The Present Continuous Tense = 现在连续时态.

to walk / walking :

to watch / watching : 

to sit / sitting: 

to study  / studying :

to enjoy / enjoying: 

to play / playing :

to listen / listening:

Tongue Twister: 

Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.