F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (G) (V)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Write a story about losing emotional control or having the feeling of being in control of yourself.

  1. lose self control . – 失去自我控制
  2. be in control –  在控制


My study applied to Los Angeles —- > I applied to study in Los Angeles, CA. 

to study (v) – to learn, to gain knowledge, to increase your awareness on a subject.

Present Tense = the Present Time , Now, Today, At the moment, During class, Currently,

  • Today I have a class. Usually on Thursdays, I have English class.
  • “Usually I have  ( a ) rehearsal to every days afternoon. —. Usually I have rehearsal every afternoon.

Future Tense = Future, Will, Next, Next time, Tomorrow, In a few minutes, the day after tomorrow, after work, when its over, once I become famous, After its done, After it is over…..

  • I will be famous
  • I will catch the ball

Past  Tense =  yesterday, the day before yesterday, “Old times”

  • I caught the pass
  • He caught the ball


There is an ancient Chinese proverb …. .. (you can say anything)  = a very useful set up for a joke in English

If you to make friends when speaking another language, it is very useful for you to have some jokes or funny things you can do to impress them… and become friends!


to rehearse (v) —-> the rehearsal (n)

rehearse = the ROOT word 根, 树根

Transcripts  ——> Trans   (transition 过渡) , Scripts  脚本

natural disaster —-> 自然灾害

灾难 – disaster

Story Arc . – 故事弧线 – before something bad happens, the story gets crazier as we go along

“There is always a calm before the storm” —–> A famous English proverb

I prefer epics.  – 史诗

For example, my favorite stories are the Odyssey, Native American mythology (Mayan, Aztec and Inca History) but I also really enjoy fantasy and science fiction stories such as Lord of the Rings (戒指的团契) , Dune, and Star Wars.

a story, or some stories :

ex. Maybe I have a story about my current school situation  情况

ex. I have a story    When I first started to study performance, I lost emotional control of myself and I cried  

I cried –—-> I broke down (I broke myself, I broke my own heart) 

lost emotional control of myself = to break down, “she was on the phone and then for some unknown reason, she just  broke down”

When I first started to study performance, I lost emotional control of myself I broke down into tears and it made for quite the story. 

it made for quite the story. —-> using the word story in a different way 不同的方式