F2F Class Notes (Joe)


Crying – Krai ying
furious – few ree yis

businessman / businessmen – make sure you say the last vowels of these words clearly.
businessman has an /a/ like ‘apple’
businessmen has an /e/ like ‘egg’


Every time – on every occasion
Every time I go to visit her, she makes me tea

All the time – constantly  / very often
I think about losing weight all the time

Crying – 哭
When she got home her child was crying

Furious – very angry
She was furious when he she learned his secret


When the Wechat came out the businessman become busier
Since Wechat came out businessmen are (have been becoming) becoming busier

In the past days you need to communicate with email
In past years you needed to communicate with email
In the past you needed to communicate with email

The Wechat came out, it links you with your clients everywhere
Since Wechat came out, it has been linking you with your clients everywhere

It makes my job more heavier
It makes my job harder
It makes my burden heavier
It makes my day busier

Every time when my job partner do the same mistake I will become furious
Every time when my colleague makes the same mistakes, I will become furious