F2F Class Notes (Joe)


Words you can use to show you are listening during a conversation:
I get what you mean
I see where you are coming from
Absolutely / Totally
That’s exciting / amazing / fascinating / out of this world
No way / Are you serious?

set – the place where you take the videos/pictures
The photographers go to the set to take pictures


Do you meet him?
Have you met him?

He based in Singapore
He is based in Singapore

Tina is interesting to someone
Tina is interested in something

This week I travelled for our CNY project include shooting videos and photos
this week, I traveled for our CNY project, which includes shooting videos and photos
This week, I took a trip for our CNY project, which includes shooting videos and photos

My sister have gone to Australia
My sister has gone to Australia

She will back to China
She will come back to China

I went to Australia on May
I went to Australia in May





Ask 3 questions with ‘did you’ and 3 questions with ‘have you’ and answer the questions.