F2F Class Notes (JJ)




Mercury retrograde: 水逆 (in astrology)

Ex: When mercury retrograde happens, many people experience discomfort and bad luck.

Petal: the pieces of the flower

Ex: My favorite flowers are roses with pink petals.

Superstition: 迷信

Ex: Rose and JJ both believe in superstitions.

Superstitious:to believe in superstitions


worksheet on common superstitions in the West

  1. Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day.
  2. Wishes made upon a shooting star or the first star at night will come true
  3. You must hold your breath when you go past a cemetery or else you will breathe in the soul of someone who has recently died.
  4. if your nose itches, it means someone is coming to visit.
  5. If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck.
  6. To break a mirror will bring seven years bad luck.
  7. To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck.
  8. To find a penny heads up brings good luck.
  9. At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold.
  10. To see if someone loves you, pull the petals off of a daisy (he loves me, he loves me not…)
  11. We cover our mouths when we yawn because it was believed that evil spirits could enter our bodies via our mouths.
  12. To drop a spoon means a child will visit. To drop a fork means a woman will visit. To drop a knife means a man will visit.
  13. Number 7 is a symbol of luck, of good fortune.
  14. The wedding veil protects the bride from the evil eye.
  15. If a groom drops the ring during the ceremony then the marriage is doomed to failure.
  16. Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck.
  17. Clinking glasses in a toast wards off evil spirits.
  18. Evil spirits cannot harm you when you are standing in a circle.
  19. You must knock on wood 3 times after mentioning good fortune or the evil spirits will ruin things for you.
  20. Wearing your birthstone will bring you good luck.
  21. A beginner will always have good luck: beginner’s luck.
  22. To find a four-leaf clove is to find good luck.
  23. A sailor wearing an earring cannot drown.


Speaking exercise

My favorite part is to see my students grow up.

One difficulty I have encountered in my teaching experience  was (…)

The kids go to extracurricular classes on the weekends.

Scorpios are easy to hate/A lot of people hate Scorpios.


Write a short essay about why you believe in superstitions and how you would convince someone who is not superstitious at all.