F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


Choose an object nearby, describe it in as much detail as you can using simple words. If you want to write it, you can. Otherwise just do it in your head. Try to get faster and faster at it just adding any details you can think of.

Writing exercise

The tallest Logo tower in the world was built in Tel Aviv, Israel which was 35.92 metres tall. It was a memorial for a local Lego-loving boy who died of cancer. It was built by thousands of people of different races and religions and backgrounds from Tel Aviv. The mayor was proud of it and said that it was a community effort to build it with everyone participating. And people sent drone footage of the tower to the Guinness Book of records for verification.

The tallest Lego tower in the world was built in Tel Aviv, Israel which is 35.92 metres tall. It is a memorial for a local Lego-loving boy who died of cancer. It was built by thousands of people of different races and religions and backgrounds from Tel Aviv. The mayor was proud of it and said that it was a community effort to build it with everyone participating. People sent drone footage of the tower to the Guinness Book of records for verification.

Speaking exercise

i have studied English for a long time

i got a terrible sick since july and i saw a doctor who is chinese doctor so im still taking medicine, not western medicine so doctor told me that i can’t drink coffee if i take medicine.

i have had a terrible sickness since July / I got a terrible sickness in July and i saw a doctor who is a chinese doctor so im still taking medicine, not western medicine so the doctor told me that i can’t drink coffee if i take medicine.


happy / happiness
sick / sickness

i seldom to drink – I don’t drink very often

I drink often < > I don’t drink often
I like coffee < > I don’t like coffee
I have traveled to Japan < > I haven’t traveled to Japan