F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Try to use some of the grammar & words from today and record yourself speaking some sentences. / do some writing as email service if you have time.

Writing exercise

The biggest challenging in the beginning would be my spoken English.
I have to improve it what’s why I come to Smart English for help.
On the other hand, I find winter is the most challenging season to deal with which are four months a year in Toronto.
I really more likely to feel cold and I am not into winter outdoor activities.
The winter is seem to take long time to get through.

The biggest challenge in the beginning would be my spoken English.
I have to improve it and / so that’s why I come to Smart English for help.
On the other hand, I find winter is the most challenging season to deal with, which is four months a year in Toronto.
I am really more likely to feel cold and I am not into winter outdoor activities.
The winter is seems to take a long time to get through.


I am likely to do sth
Rain today is very likely = it probably will rain

you seem happy
you look good
that sounds good

Definitely = 100%
likely / probable = 80%
maybe = 20-50%
possible = 1% +
definitely not / impossible = 0%

I try to take life easy / I try to chill out

Take it easy = calm down
Take it easy = see you

cupboard manufacturer


It is challenging (adj)
It is a challenge (n)

I have done / have traveled 
I have been (like “zai guo”)

I am traveling
I have been traveling 
I have traveled

been = am / is / are

I am in Shanghai
I was in Shanghai
I have been in Shanghai / I have been to Shanghai (any reason – work, fun, get married….