F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Choose a topic to write about, and try to use some of the grammar / vocabulary from the last few classes.

Writing exercise

But his father also gave a call to him,and said“ Don’t trust your mom,she is crazy and keep saying strange things. I would like you to come to our farm in Switzerlandâ€Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to introduce his name——Daniel.When Daniel got to the airport to took a plane,He received a message from his father “Your mom ran out of the hospital and she bought a plane ticket to find youï¼â€In a few hours,he met his mother and take she back home. After that mom took out some evidence,And told a very strange and twisted story. Then he decided to find out for himself.The ending of the story,everything mom said was just a figment of her imagination. But it’s all from my grandfather did to my mother when she was a child. I think the book is a little boring,but there are some highlight points to show a lot of humanity for us.

But his father also gave him a call / also phoned him / called him,and said“ Don’t trust your mom,she is crazy and keeps saying strange things. I would like you to come to our farm in Switzerland†Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to introduce his name——Daniel. When Daniel got to the airport to take a plane,He received / got a message from his father “Your mom ran out of the hospital and she bought a plane ticket / bought a flight to find youï¼â€ In a few hours,he met his mother and took her back home. After that mom took out some evidence,And told a very strange and twisted story. Then he decided to find out for himself. The ending (of the story) is that everything mom said was just a figment of her imagination, but it’s all from something that his grandfather did to his mother when she was a child. I think the book is a little boring,but there are some highlights to show a lot of humanity to us.


I know that your name is Krissa


geometry – math of shapes – jee OH metree
geography – study of measuring the earth
geology – study of the earth

angle – jiao
eg. I need to draw the bokchoy from many angles

mono / uni = 1
bi =
tri = 3
quad = 4
pent = 5

lines – xian (shape)

I mean / or actually / or maybe not…. but …. – use this when correcting a mistake

when / while – while is stronger than when
eg. While I have class, I speak English = in the whole class I speak English (from the start to the end)
eg2. When I have class, I am happy = class time, I’m happy
eg3. While I am having class, I should pay attention to the teacher

