F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

I don’t like The Little Prince,because I read this book I was too young can’t understand.I think this story is about a prince think his rose too headstrong,so him want go away.But when he see all things through,he realize him still love the rose.

I don’t like The Little Prince, because I read this book when I was too young so I couldn’t understand. I think this story is about a prince and he / who thinks his rose is too headstrong, so he wants to go away / to leave. But when he sees everything through, he realizes he still loves / he is in love with the rose.

I don’t like / I’m not into / I’m not a fan of The Little Prince, because / since / as I read this book when / while I was too young so I couldn’t understand / get it. I think this story is about a prince and he / who thinks / believes / feels his rose is too headstrong / overly confident / stubborn, so he wants to go away / to leave / he is keen on going away. But / However when he sees everything through, he realizes he still loves / he is in love with the rose.

My name is Wangyue, and I am an inflight cabin crew.I help people have safety and happy flight wherever they go.I used to work in accounting but I realized I enjoyed being with people and I became an cabin crew. For me it is not just a job, it is a passion.Ready to see you in July!

My name is Wangyue but you can call me Chloe. I’m originally from jiangxi, where I grew up until the age of 20 and I am part of the inflight cabin crew, which I have been doing for the last 2 years. I help people have a safe and enjoyable flight wherever they go, and my colleagues say I’m a really patient, warm and positive part of the team, and with 2 years of experience I’m really good at foreseeing the customer’s needs. I used to work in accounting but I realized I enjoyed being with people and I became a cabin crew member. For me it is not just a job, but it’s a passion. I really hope to see you in July!


I was late but Jesse was not angry.
I was late and I felt bad. However, Jesse was not angry.

stubborn – gu zhi

when / while I have class I speak English


I / we / you / they – me and you, more than 1
do / have / eat / drink / love

he / she / it / name – 1, not me and you
does / has / eats / drinks / loves

he / him
I / me
she / her
it / it
they / them
you / you
we / us

When I was too young to understand. 
When I was too young so I couldn’t understand.

which / that / who
eg. I have a computer which is black.
eg2. I have a friend who is fat.

I am so happy
The roses are too headstrong / The rose is too headstrong

I want come here – I want to come here

I come here to study English.