F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [S / R]


Write a diary about your day. Keep the sentences simple and try to use “and, but, so, because, when…”

Next Class Focus

Do speaking and make sure Lizzy answers these questions (include 3 for each point) in her answer

why? to do what? for who? for what? for how long? when? where? with who? and then what? 

And remember: put the most important thing first in every sentence. 

Speaking exercise

I wake up at 8 o’clock AM and we drink the milk and then I take the didi to work for 10 minutes. I wash the cup at work. I go to my seat to use my computer for 4 hours because I need to make the PPT for my customers. I have lunch at 12 o’clock for 1 hour with my colleague / with a friend from work / a person I work with / someone from work and then I go back to work to continue making the PPT for my customer.

I woke up at 8 AM and we drank some milk and then I took didi / a taxi to work for 10 minutes. I washed a cup at work. I went to my seat to use my computer for 4 hours because I needed to make a PPT for my customers. I had lunch at 12 o’clock for 1 hour with my colleague / with a friend from work / a person I work with / someone from work and then I went back to work to continue making the PPT for my customer.


I went to work and made a PPT.
I went to work to make a PPT.

I am an English teacher. I teach you English.

It is a hair dryer. I use it to dry my hair. I dry my hair with it. 

my work people is bu gouthere isn’t enough people at work 

we make the PPT need 2 days It takes 2 days to make the PPT.

What is the time? It is 8 o’clock
What is the weather like today? It is rainy


enough < > not enough
eg. I don’t have enough money

customers / clients – ke hu
eg. I made the PPT for my client

PPT – presentation


Try to remember the words from this reading.

Fay went into the bathroom. She turned on the cold water. She turned on the hot water. Warm water came out of the faucet / tap. She put her hands under the warm water. She rubbed her hands together. She picked up a bar of white soap. She rubbed the soap with her hands. She put the soap back. She washed her hands for half a minute. Then she rinsed her hands with the water. She turned off the hot water. She turned off the cold water. She dried her hands with a towel.