F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Write about what you did after class today. Tell me every detail (nei rong) – when? for how long? what time? why? – use lian ci + jie ci.

Needs more review

after work
eg. I do boxing every day after work and then I go home.

beginner: 初级
eg. My English is beginner level / I am a beginner English speaker

medium / middle

advanced: 高级

let / make 

have class 
eg. I am having class
eg2. You are teaching me

drink coffee
eg. I am drinking coffee
eg2. You are drinking water


walk – walked 
dance – danced
talk – talked
want – wanted 
need – needed 


single – dan sheng

provoke – ci ji wo

Speaking exercise

I woke up at 11 o’clock and I made lunch for 10 minutes. It was not good. Then, I washed the dishes in the kitchen then I did my make up in the bedroom with myself. After that, I went to the SE because I need learning English.

I woke up at 11 o’clock and I made lunch for 10 minutes. It was not good. Then, I washed the dishes in the kitchen and I did my make up in the bedroom by myself. After that, I went to the SE because I need to learn English.