F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Today we focused on:

did a lot of speaking about work and focused on grammar and chinglish pronunciation (don’t add sounds to the end of words)

Needs more review

constantly (adj):all the time or often / again and again / without stopping
eg. Jesse constantly makes mistakes with Chinese


We booked a big villa that / which had 5 bed rooms = We booked a big villa and it had 5 bed rooms

Our husbands started to prepare our lunch: barbecue. –  Our husbands started to prepare our lunch and it was / which was barbecue.

because + sentence
because of = due to + noun 

food / foods
I love food / I have a lot of food in my fridge
The foods of asia are so interesting


I told you “you can’t do it”.
I told you not to do it. – best
I told you that you can’t do it.


who = and he / she 
I have a student who is Zoey
which = and it
I have a computer which is black
I have a computer which I bought in Japan. 

colleague / people I work with
eg. I trained the people I work with / I trained some of the people I work with / I trained some of my colleagues
staff / employee / workers / people employed by DHL

happen – an event comes
eg. something bad happened
eg2. there are many things that happen every day

we stop staff from breaking the rules / from doing the wrong thing / we make staff follow the rules 

training sessions = classes that you learn how to do sth
eg. This session is 30 minutes and they will train us to do our jobs. I think training is boring.


colleagues – tong shi – col leegz
college – da xue – col lij 

too many added sounds on the end of words

Speaking exercise

So busy because these day my boss and I need ready to have many training to our colleague. The training is a compliance training. All of our colleagues need to be trained within 2 years. The training will tell them to follow the company policy and won’t do something wrong. Before the training should be complete on the company system due to it’s not very effective so this year we decide to change the model to train. We think it’s effective.

I was busy because recently my boss and I needed to get ready to have many training sessions for people employed by DHL. The training is a compliance training. All of our staff need to be trained within 2 years. The training will tell them to follow the company policies and not to do something wrong. Before, the training needed to be completed on the company system because it wasn’t very effective so this year we decided to change the model of training. We think it’s effective.