Profile Update Class (Jesse)

Your profile has been updated!

Next update August 2020

Previous Levels

Listening: 1.75
Speaking: 1.25
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 1.5

New levels

Listening: 3.0
Speaking: 2
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 2.5

Changes to profile:
Topics: Varied topics
Teaching method + (Focus): Speaking Exercise (Strict Grammar & Self Correction) + Reading (Vocabulary)

Homework type + (Focus): Writing HW (Grammar & Sentences)


18 / 80
18 = eight TEEN
80 = EIGH


learning driving (vn) 

I learn English (n)
I am learning (v) English (n)
I am learning (v) to drive / driving (vn)

I like hot starbucks coffee with milk and sandwiches
I like fast athletic running at the park every day
Coffee is good
Running is fun

I am drinking coffee
I am learning dancing

I am running = happening now
I like running = the activity of running

my father he don’t know my father doesn’t know 

buy a car for myself (reason) / by myself (you did it alone / with no help)

before my learning – before I learned (past)

When I was running (a period in the past) in the park, a man took a photo of me (a point in the past)

when I make sentences of middle – when I’m in the middle of making a sentence, I realise…


all the way
eg. I read a book all the way to work = I read a book from home to work… the whole time

searched online / look it up online

start from the beginning / start all over again / start again

weakness < > strength
eg. that is one of my weaknesses