F2F Class Notes (Jesse)


Write about what you did tonight. Use the words I sent to your WeChat.

I like Autumn because it is not hot and hot cold

I wake up at 8 o’clock and I take shower for 20 minutes, and I drink water because I should drink water and let myself become healthy. I start work at 9 o’clock and I finish work at 5 o’clock. I put on make up for 20 minutes at my home in my bedroom. I get dressed for 1 minute and then I go out to go to work.

I go out (leave home / have fun)
I go to work (start work)
I go home / get home

I go there by taxi
I take a taxi to go to work

every day
i do housework every day for 30 minutes

There is a cup on the desk – there are too many people on the bus

I have taken the bus once or twice (one time or 2 times)

I take the bus – no time / sometimes / every day
I took the bus – past – time is important
I have taken the bus – past – time is NOT important
I will take the bus

I travel a lot. I have traveled to Japan and China many times. – you don’t know the time

I traveled to Japan last year. I will travel to Japan again next year. – you know the time

Have you eaten today?
No I haven’t eaten?

Did you eat yesterday?
Yes I ate yesterday.

have eaten 
will eat