F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [W, S]


What do you think are the most famous foods from the following countries and why?
– China
– Japan
– Malaysia
– India
– French
– Italian
– America (hamburger – fastfood)


Fantasy – something you see in your head and you want to be real or become true

Desires – to really want something

Dim Sum – steaming Cantonese food

Ache – pain

Crawfish  – Image result for crawfish

Fatty – something that has a lot of fat on it

Spicy – something that is very hot
eg. Chongqing hotpot is very spicy.

Oily/Greasy – has a lot of oil on it
eg. Chinese food is very Oily/Greasy. 

Heart burn – a pain in the chest area after eating spicy or oily food.


Stomach [stum-ick]

Speaking exercise


Writing exercise


Hi Sir

Good afternoon
I joined the new staff training today, my boss shared the company culture and our vision, then I have a deeply understand who are we? And what we are doing? And why we do that? It’s helpful information for me to plan my further career.

Yesterday, I have met a famous designer Hans who is introduced by my friends, He is come from Dane, and has lived in Italy eight years, he very love China and let his daughter to study Chinese recently, he called himself is half Chinese man. He showed me lots of his products from his studio. His products is very good and the style is matched our exception. We have a good meeting yesterday, we have a lunch together.



Hi Sir

Good afternoon
I joined the new staff training today, my boss shared the company culture and our vision, then now I have a deeper understanding who are we. And What we are doing, and why we do that? It’s helpful information for me to plan my further career.

Yesterday, I have met a famous designer Hans who was introduced by my friends. He is comes from Denmark (He’s Danish, He’s a Dane), and has lived in Italy for eight years. But he very loves China and recently he lets/allows/wants his daughter to study Chinese. He called himself is half Chinese man. He showed me lots of his products from his studio. His products are very good and the style is matches our needs/desires/fantasy/direction/expectations exception. We had a good meeting yesterday, we had a lunch together.
