F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [W]


Write what you did during Thursday. (focus on correct verbs and tense)


Build – To build something using materials like a building, desk, car

Organize [or-gan-nize] – to make plans to do some kind of event/activity

Positive – has a good feeling or personality


How many kilometers we ran or how far we ran

To running  = To run or running

can going can go or going


Jade [Jay-da]

Speaking exercise


Night Running

My friends and I joined a night running by lululemon built.we  kept the whole course. It was 8 kilometre (km.) We spend 50 minuets finished the night running. Jade was really good at running and faster than Soo and I.

Soo was better than me too, she could keep her speed. She was always waiting for me when I didn’t running or feeling trie.

She was trying to help me get power from her and  make sure I can keeping running.

Jade was the first one of us arrived at the end, soo was the second one, I was the last one.  There were teachers who told us how to relax for your body and some delicious foods and drinks u can choose.

We had went to KABB drink a bottle of wine red wine when we left the lululemon.

We talked about some interesting things in our life and  how to improve English and so on.

We backed home at 10:30pm when we finished our happy talking.


Night Running

My friends and I joined a night running organized by lululemon built. We kept finished the whole course. It was 8 kilometers (km.) We spent 50 minutes finishing the night running. Jade was really good at running and faster than Soo and I.

Soo was also better than me too, she could keep her speed the whole time. She was always waiting for me when I didn’t wasn’t running or feeling tired.

She was trying to help me get power stay positive from her and make sure I can keeping running.

Jade was the first one of us to arrived at the finish, Soo was the second one, I was the last one.  There were teachers who told us how to relax for y our body and had some delicious food and drinks you could choose from.

We had went to KABB afterwards and drank a bottle of wine red wine. when we left the lululemon.

We talked about some interesting things in our lives and  how to improve our English and so on.

We went backed/returned home at 10:30pm when we finished our happy talking.

At the finish line, there was staff to help us to stretch out our muscles. Then we had some snacks.