F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [W]


Humid – a lot of water in the air
eg. Today is very hot and humid.

Humidity – how much water is in the air
eg. The humidity is very high today.

Swimming pool – a place to go swimming (indoor/outdoor)

Wallet – a small carrier for guys to hold money, cards, IDs


IN –

Meanings of Kan
Watch = movies, tv shows (things that last more than a short time)
Read = books, newspapers, poetry (something you must see all the words and understand them)
Visit = to go to a place and see/do something
See = seeing something for a very short time (a few seconds)

Writing exercise


Hi Sir
Good morning

I read an article about news and social media from VOA. I have to say the social media development brings a big change to all of us life. In my young, I remembered my father always to see the new papers to get the some news, and he was liked to see the CCTV at 7:00 pm. This seems to be a habit for a long time.
Until I brought a new smart mobile phone to him, and taught him how to access the Wi-Fi and go through websites. I found my father the less and less watching TV, but he knows more. He likes to get news from smartphone, since he can read news no matter in home or outside. Most of teachers also issued some notices and checked the homework through QQ, it’s very convenient for both of us.

The social media changes our life and make life become easy. I can’t image how will be without network.

I want to talk about why do children always learn to use mobile phones very quickly



Hi Sir
Good morning

I read an article about news and social media from VOA. I have to say, the social media development brings a big change to all of us life our livesIn my youth/when I was young, I remembered my father always to see read the new papers to get know about the some news, and he was liked to see watch the CCTV at 7:00 pm. This seemed to be a habit for a long time.
Until I brought a new smart mobile phone to him, and taught him how to access the Wi-Fi and go through websites. I found my father the less and less watching TV, but he knew more. He likes to get the news from his/the smartphone, since he can read news no matter in at home or outside. Most of teachers also issued some notices and checked the homework through QQ, it’s very convenient for both of us.

Social media changes our life and makes life become easier. I can’t image how life would be without network.

I want to talk about why do children always learn to use mobile phones very quickly
