F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [W]


Write about a form of diversity that is important to you.
Ideas –> 
options for restaurants, different cultures, different languages, different sports, art


Villain – A bad guy in a story

Collectibles – things that people like to collect and keep
eg. The stamps I have at home are now collectibles and very valuable.

Transparent – something that you can see through like a window
eg. I wish the window beside my front door was not transparent.

Translucent – something that is difficult to see through (only can see shapes and colors, not clearly)

Opaque – something that cannot be seen through
eg. The packaging was opaque so I didn’t know what card I would get.

Ethnic groups – æ°‘æ— people that have a cultural and sometimes appearance
eg. Chinese has a large number of ethnics groups compared to European countries.

Diversity – a lot of different types or options for something
eg. In Canada, we have a love of diversity when it comes to restaurants

Approach – the way you try to do or handle something (method of doing something)
eg. The approach I take to staying healthy is exercise and a good diet.
eg. My approach to staying healthy is exercise and a good diet.
eg. The approach I take to improving my English is studying at SE


Although time is not countable, we can count childhood which is under the age of 18
Adulthood is often defined as over 18 

The approach I take to improving my English is studying at SE/is to study at SE


Opaque [Oo-pay-ka]

Writing exercise


In my generation there was a popular cartoon called calabash brothers. It’s a story about seven brothers who born in calabash and they fight with a snake, who is a bad guy in the story. Finally the calabash brothers win and they live with their grandfather happily. Another popular thing I think is collecting a complete set of Saint Seiya cards. It was very popular during those days. Almost every day after school my classmates and I bought a little pack of snack and got a blindness pack of card. I opened the pack of card as soon as possible and hoped that I can get a new personage card we didn’t have. If the card I had already but my classmates didn’t get one, then we would change it. In my memory, I didn’t get a complete set of that card. It is so difficult to collect all. That’s interesting time.


In my generation there was a popular cartoon called Calabash Brothers. It’s a story about seven brothers who were born in Calabash and they fight with a snake, who is the bad guy (Villain) in the story. Finally, the calabash brothers win and they live with their grandfather happily. Another popular thing I think is collecting a complete set of Saint Seiya cards. It was very popular during those days. Almost every day after school my classmates and I bought a little pack of snacks and got a blindness pack of card. I opened the pack of card as soon as possible and hoped that I can get a new personage character card that we didn’t have. If the card was one I had already but my classmates didn’t get one, then we would exchange it. In From my memory, I didn’t get a complete set of those cards. It is so difficult to collect all of those. That was an interesting time.