F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S, R]


Male – man/guy, Female – girl/women, Gender – are you a boy or girl

Instructor – tells people how to do something (yoga)
eg. I was a yoga instructor

Coach – someone that tells people how to do a sport or activity

Member – 口人
eg. How many members are in your family?
eg. How many family members does your family have?

Lawyer – 律师

Design – make something from nothing (draw it as a picture, then make it)

Recently – just happened very short time ago (less then 2 weeks ago)

Evening –  晚上


How do you do? = How are you?

Are you an only child? – means you don’t have brother or sister


What kind of food do you like?

几点 = what o’clock time?


Birthday [Ber-th-day]

Speaking exercise

My father is a teacher. He teachers physical education. My mother is a house wife. Before she designed and made clothes. I was a yoga instructor but I quit recently. My birthday is March 19th.