F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Bring in some emails from work


Behavior – what you say and what you do during a period of time

Behave – to be good

Misbehave – doing/saying something bad

Bi/Tri/Quad/Penta/Hecta/Octa – 2/3/4/5/6/8 of something

Bilingual/Tri-lingual – speaking two languages/speaking 3 languages

Multilingual – speaking 4-6 languages

Polyglots – speaking 6+ languages

Coherent – it makes sense and people can understand

Dependence – to rely on something/to need something

Injury – something that happens and causes you pain

literate – being able to read

Subtitles – words written at the bottom of a video


I don’t think tonight will be interesting. Because I have to work after class. Tomorrow, I will have two eternal meetings with my bosses. I think tomorrow will be very busy so I must finish today’s work tonight.

Yesterday was the last day of the Qing ming holiday. I went to the gym in the morning and then I had lunch with my friends. I ate tofu and it was really delicious. After that, we went to the cinema and saw a film named