F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


YO – years old

Primary school (3yo-5 yo) –> Elementary school (6yo-10yo) –> Middle school (10yo-14yo) –> High school (14yo-18yo) –> College (diploma) or University (Bachelors)   –> Master’s degree –> PhD in graduate school

Rural – Country side
eg. I like to go to rural areas because the view is often unbelievable

Urban – Large towns/Cities
eg. It is more convenient if you live in urban areas/town/cities.

Extra curricular activities – things you do outside/after school that focus on self development (sports teams, organizations, volunteer work)
eg. My extra curricular activities included sports (ice hockey, soccer, rugby), volunteer work, and army cadets

First aid – emergency medical assistance

Downtown (DT), City Centre – The core/central area of an urban city/town

Movie/video hall – cheap place to watch movie

Skipped – to not go/do something

Circumstance – the history/events that led to the current situation
eg. If the circumstances were different….then the outcome would of been different –> If I had told him to always wear his seat belt, maybe this wouldn’t have happen

Implied – something without saying (already known)
eg. Why didn’t you tell me to wear a suit? –> Oh, I thought it was implied.

Narrow – something very thin
eg. Can you narrow down the list for me
Narrowing – to give more detail so their is less options

Speaking exercise


When I was a student in elementary school, I could get a good score. But when I was maybe 16 yo, I went a high school in the downtown. But before I was going to a school in the country side. When I went to high school, I found a lot of things I can enjoy like play video games, watch movies, and play football. So I skipped a lot of class and became a bad student. I didn’t see this in elementary school, so I couldn’t go to a good (top tier) university. I couldn’t speak English when I graduated from college. I didn’t know which major in university was a good one.


When I was a student in elementary school, I could get got good scores. But when I was maybe 16 yo, I went to a high school in the located downtown. But before I was going to a school in the country side. When I went to high school, I found a lot of things  that I could enjoy like playing video games, watching movies, and playing football. So I skipped a lot of classes and became a bad student. I didn’t see this have these things in elementary school. So my grades dropped and I couldn’t go to a good (top tier) university. I couldn’t speak English when I graduated from college. I didn’t know which major in university was a good one (option).


I started high school when I was 16. My high school was downtown/was located downtown

I was going to a rural elementary school

Look at a/the book

Go see a/the movie

I will visit a/the park

Use A/Some: Person doesn’t know what your talking about

Use The/That/There: If other person knows which thing your topic