F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Cemetery – 墓地 

Denominations – the size (amount) of different bills/notes
eg. China has denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 rmb.

slots / spaces – the amount available for people to buy a ticket or get a visa

proof of employment – a document that shows where and what company you work for

Exchange rate – how much money you can change for a different currency 1 RMB= 5 TWD

Fraud – resemblance (to have a similar to to another person)
eg. The longer the ID last, the easier it is to mistaken a fake resemblance


There are limited slots for getting a Taiwanese visa from China.

10 years ago In 10 years (future)

Your face with not change

Speaking exercise


I bought the ticket for November 21st and return on the 25th. From Pudong airport to Taoyuan airport. I will stay in xinbei or taipei and go to Taoyuan first. I won’t there though, maybe only a 1 day trip. I don’t need long time trip to Taipei to Taichang with high speed train. I think the Chinese high speed train broadcast some meaningless information. Always sitting beside me is a screaming child. In Taoyuan, two of my friends they will have the election so I will go to see it for the city council. Taichang I think in the few limited days I can go and see. Only 4 days so I don’t want to waste my days on the road.


I bought the ticket for November 21st and return on the 25th. From Pudong airport to Taoyuan airport. I will stay in xinbei or taipei and go to Taoyuan first. I won’t stay there though, maybe only a 1 day trip. I don’t need long time to travel trip from Taipei to Taichang with high speed train. I think the Chinese high speed train broadcast some meaningless information. Always sitting beside me is a screaming child. In Taoyuan, two of my friends they will have the election for the city council so I will go to see it. Taichang I think in the few limited days I can go and see. Only 4 days so I don’t want to waste my days time on the road.