F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Review the questions from today and be ready for more questions next time.


Intuitive [in-two-a-tive] – 直观的 able to figure things out by oneself
eg. I think he is very intuitive because he always knows a good answer for my questions.
Innovative [in-nO-vA-tive] – 创新 to make a new product, or find a new way to use an old product
eg. I think Mayun is very innovative because he thought of and made alibaba.

Conceive – make or create something.
eg. Mayun conceived the idea for Alibaba in 2011.
eg. They  just conceived their baby last september.

Entrepreneurs – someone who starts and runs their own company

reputation – what people know (true or not) and think of you.

Deadline – when something should be finished.
eg. The deadline for this project is friday at 5pm.


One hour and thirty minutes by car


Lack [L-ack]

Speaking exercise

Q1:The girl comes from Shanghai, she is afraid of hard-working,what do you tihink about it.
Q1:If a girl comes from Shanghai, she might be afraid of hard-working,what do you tihink about it?

I think it is biased, because they lack understanding of us. They generalize all the people on one side which is not fair to do. For example, Shanghai has many famous women Entrepreneurs.

Q2:How do you deal with subordinate relationships for subordinates who are disobedient and older than you?
Q2:How do you deal with your staff who are disobedient?

I think communication is very important in the world place. We should talk to them that the task which we arrange
I think communication is very important in the world place. I would discuss the problem with them to understand it. Then I would follow the punishment system. First time, I would give them a warning, the second time a formal complaint (email to HR) , third would probably be to have HR deal with them.

Q3:What would you do when the leader assgins you some tasks that are not your job responsibility?
Q3:What would you do when the leader assgins you some tasks that are not part of your job responsibility?

I will accept it if it is necessary to help the company. I think it is a chance to challenge myself and show and skilled/capable I am. I would ask for all the details to understand it completely. I would analyze it to see what and how it should be done and if I will need others help or skills and then carry out the task. I will try to finish it before the deadline so the manager can review it first.