F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Write your own job description as a hiring advertisement. How would you advertise to hire your replacement if you got a promotion.


Put on the brakes – to slow down something your doing
eg. You exercise you 5 hours a day? Maybe its time to put on the brakes, that doesn’t sound healthy.

Census – a report done by the government to track statistics of its citizens (population, income, etc)

Demographics – statistics for a certain group on people (group can be age, gender, religion, ethnicity, etc)
eg. The demographic of highest income in the world is elderly males.

Tag – a small label on your clothes with information
eg. The tag on these clothes says they are a medium size.
eg. The price tag says its on sale and 50% off.

Off (like 50% off) – this means discount off the original price (taken off/taken away from the original price)

Counter vs Kiosk. You can only use one.
A counter usually has an employee that takes your order.
A kiosk has a computer that you take use to order food.
Cosmetics Kiosk/stall (same)
Mcdonalds Counter/kiosk (not the same)
Food Truck/stall/kiosk/stand (almost same)

Personal vs Personnel
Personal = belongs to a person (its their personal stuff)
Personnel = the people that work at a company

Tedious – something that is boring, long and tiresome
eg. I find routine work very tedious like doing our beauty advisors turnover rate.

Tiresome – used to described becoming tired from something
eg. This exercise I am doing is very tiresome.


Sports is a healthy obsession

Start the car

I’m about to get on a/the bus/subway
I’m about to get in a taxi/I’m just getting into my taxi now

I did this for them.

Something (singular = 1 thing)
Somethings (plural = more than 1 thing)
Some stuff (more than one thing)



Speaking exercise


No I never worked in a Kiosk, in fact, I always work as an HR specialist. My previous company is an American company, I do a lot of work inside the company. Something like collect and store people’s personal files, and calculate our sales and and logistics teams salary by month. I also need to do some compensation and benefits survey.


No I never worked in a Kiosk, in fact I always worked as an HR specialist. My previous company was an American company, I did a lot of work inside for the company. Something I did things/some stuff like collect and store people’s personal personnel files, and calculate our sales and logistics team’s salary each/every month (or monthly). I also needed to do some compensation and benefits surveys.