F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Dealt (past tense deal with)

Ingredients –Ā a list of everything included in a food or drink
Recipe –Ā an ingredients list and instructions how to make some kind of food/drink

Tropical –Ā a warm place located in the middle of the planet (Hainan, Hawaii, Thailand) – they are warm all year round

Weiss (White wheat) – A german white beer made from wheat (wheat beer is more sweet and refreshing)

Dark beer (black beer)

Ruin –Ā to make something not good

Aftertaste –Ā a taste in your mouth after you eat or drink something

Rice liquor – ē™½é…’ļ¼Œsaki, sojuĀ 

Teppanyaki –Ā a Japanese cuisine where the chef cooks in front of you

Jug –Ā a big container for liquid

Lyrics – the words of a song


PeopleĀ haveĀ different demands
I had toĀ makeĀ different cocktails

The German beer isĀ stronger compared to Japanese

IĀ am moreĀ productive at theĀ office than at home
When comparing two things (you must useĀ more/less/bigger/small/hotter/colder..etc, and use than

Don’t use ‘the’ if its a nameĀ youdiaoĀ notĀ the youdiao


etiquette [et-a-kit]

Liquor [lick-or]

Recipe [ress-a-pee]

Argentina [Ar-gin-teen-na]

Coworker [Co-work-er]

Speaking exercise


I just reviewed the class. I remembered the word and used them in a sentence. I search them in the youdiao and there is many sentence. There are many apps, like baisizhan, streaming a TV show, listen to English music. Sometimes I need to up the lyrics. I studied some food words, like carbs, and vegetables.


I just reviewed the class. I rememberedĀ memorizedĀ the words and used them in a sentences. I searchĀ for them in the youdiao and there is many sentences. There are many apps, like baisizhan, streaming a TV show, listen to English music. Sometimes I need to up the lyrics.Ā I studied some food words, like carbs, and vegetables.