F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Try to find some new English phases that you don’t know like ‘bite to eat’.


Fries – 薯条

Shrimp (N.A.)/Prawns (UK) –

Address/call someone – a word we use to get someones attention when we want to talk to them (ie. waiter, doctor, 老板

Impolite – show disrespect

Sashimi – Japanese raw fish

Edible – something that can be eaten

Arrangement – to put stuff in a certain order or make a design

Wear (Past tense) = wore

Worn out – used so much that it doesn’t work well anymore

Dull – something is not sharp

Jewelry – rings, earrings, necklace, etc

Do you want to grab a bite to eat? – Do you want to go get some food?


During …. this year
During…. last year
Next year during ….

Speaking exercise


I want to find a gift for my mum because it will be her birthday on June 28th. I look on Taobao. It have been wear for a long time. So I want to buy a new one for her. But I think she didn’t like these things very much.

During the spring festival in this year, I went to my grandparents home and ate lunch and dinner with them. I also went to my auntie’s home and my parents played mahjong with my auntie. I went to a KTV with my cousin. My cousins husband made a dinner for us, after he finished the dinner, he didn’t want to eat anything.


I want to find a gift for my mum because it will be her birthday on June 28th. I looked on Taobao. It has been worn for a long time. So I want to buy a new one for her. But I think she doesn’t like these things type very much.

During the spring festival in this year, I went to my grandparents home and ate lunch and dinner with them. I also went to my auntie’s home and my parents played mahjong with my auntie. I went to a KTV with my cousins. My cousin’s husband made a dinner for us one night/one evening, after he finished the cooking dinner, he didn’t want to eat anything.