F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]









Stomach Ache/upset stomach – paint in your stomach

Porridge/Congee – a rice soup that is good to eat during a stomach ache

Minced – meat that to broken up/cut into small pieces

Grind – To break something in small parts by push its against 2 hard tools/or use a machine Image result for pestle and mortar
Ground – the past tense for something that has already been grinded or something that has been been crushed into very small pieces (smaller then salt)
Powder – very small pieces of something that have been broken up for cooking Image result for curry powder

Pill – a small piece of medicine that you eat
eg. The doctor told me to take 4 pills a day


Center of city = city center


Lake [Lay-k]

Writing exercise


head-the part of your body with eyes, nose and mouth (and ears)
ache- pain

Speaking exercise


I think the traffic is terrible. Because in Hangzhou its difficult to get a taxi. If you want to go somewhere that is not near the city center. People all know the lake ‘xihu’. Its very famous and lots of people around it. Another famous place I think is Leifang tower because there is story in China about snake that two snake sister become people and they meet man and fall in love there was a monk who thinks they are harmful. He wants to catch them so he catch the snake person husband and the snake want to save her husband so they fight in the Leifang tower. I think the green tea named longjing is the famous tea there. If you go there with the fast train, then it take you about 1hr 10 mins.


I think the traffic is terrible. Because in Hangzhou its difficult to get a taxi if you want to go somewhere that is not near the city center. People All Chinese know the lake ‘xihu’. Its very famous and lots of people around tourists that visit it. Another famous place I think is Leifang tower because there is story in China about two snake sisters who become people and they one sister meets a man and falls in love. There was a monk who thinks they are harmful dangerous. He wants to catch them so he catches the her (snake person) husband and the snake wants to save her husband so they fight in the Leifang tower. I think the green tea named longjing is the most famous tea there. If you go there with the fast train, then it takes you about 1hr 10 mins.