F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Give a short description (abstract) about a short story you have written before. (or just make one up).


Abstract – a small paragraph that tells you what something is about.

Real estate – something connected to housing

Property – something has an owner, or connected to houses/apartments that people own
eg. My cellphone is not your property.
eg. This computer is your property.

Letter box = Mailbox

Perspective – the way someone see’s and understands something

Genre – type of something for (books, movies, art, music)
eg. My favorite movie genres are comedy, action, and drama.
eg. I like movies & books of the detective genre.

Comedy – makes you laugh/funny

Comedian – someone who’s job it is to tell jokes and make people laugh

Humor – whether something is funny or not
eg. German people’s sense of humor is very unique and not funny to others

humorous – funny

Stereotype – saying/expecting something from someone based on the way they look or where they are from.
eg. Asian people’s stereotype is taking selfies
eg. Germans love drinking beer

Orangutan – Image result

Gorilla – Image result

Tarzan – a boy who grows up with gorillas

Caught – past tense of catch

Fairy tale – has a very happy ending (and they lived happily ever after)

Not my cup of tea – not something I like or enjoy
eg. Do you enjoy extreme sports? No, they are not my cup of tea.


I like Detective type books = I like books of the detective genre (of the genre)

past person = a person from the past


Genre [John-ra]

Speaking exercise


When find a letter inside the box and they read it. They find they can get the letters from the past person. They respond to these letters and give some suggestions. People in the past who get their response, being a very rich person because he follow their advice.

The movie is about a boy who grows up by orangutan. One day he meet girl who come from city. She goes with her father into the forest because hes a scientist. Some hunters find them. In the end, they protected the animals in the forest. The hunters are catched.


When they find a letter inside the box and they read it. They find that they can get the letters from the past person a person in the past. They respond to these letters and give some suggestions. The people in the past who get their response, become a very rich person because he followed their advice.

The movie is about a boy who grows up is raised by an orangutan (who is actually a gorilla). One day he met girl who came from the city. She goes with her father into the forest because hes a scientist. Some hunters find them. In the end, they protected the animals in the forest. The hunters are catched. caught. It has a fairy tale ending.