F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]



Courage – to be brave
Courageous – to have a lot of courage/be very brave

Courteous – someone that is very polite and has good manners
eg. He was very courteous and held the door open for his friends
Courtesy –Ā doing something that is not require by a nice thing to do
eg. Giving up your subway seat to an older person shows a lot of courtesy

Charismatic – someone who makes others around them feel warm and happy
eg. He is a very charismatic person and always makes those around him feel happy

Adventure – going/doing something that is very different to your normal environment
eg. I will go to France and its an adventure trip for me –> I will go on an adventure to France.
adventurous – to enjoy doing new things and going on adventures
eg. They always do crazy things because they have an adventurous personality

Frank = direct, says something directly and usually can sounds offensive

Someone who doesn’t like to be near/talk to other people – lonerĀ 

gregarious – like to be around other people

Intuitive – someone that has good intuition and follows it
Intuition – a feeling that some people might get in a certain situation (a mother knowing before her baby is hungry, it will rain today)
eg. He has excellent intuition and makes so much money from know which investments are good.
Instinct – a feeling that is natural to all animals (hungry–>eat, tired–>sleep, thirsty–>drink)

Inspirational – someone that makes others have lots of energy and feel confident in doing something
eg. The most inspirational leaders in history all knew how to inspire those around them.

Gross = disgusting

Fermented – to cause something to go bad/sour like yogurt

Expired – past the deadline/its life span

Offensive – something that makes someone feel bad or negative (opposite defensive)

Speaking exercise


I think she is a veryĀ gregarious. She like to talk with others and she can always make friend with new people quickly. I think she is a social girl. She is also a charismatic person, people around her will feel good. I donā€™t think she donā€™t like to go to place that she didnā€™t know. I think she havenā€™t intuition because the stocks she bought is all down. She is a courteous person and she willing to help others.


I think she is a veryĀ gregarious. She likes to talk with others and she can always make friends with new people quickly. I think she is a social girl. She is also a charismatic personĀ becauseĀ people around her willĀ alwaysĀ feel good. I donā€™t think she is adventurous as she doesn’t/because she donā€™t doesn’tĀ like to go to places that she didnā€™tĀ doesn’t know. I think she havenā€™tĀ good intuition because the stocks she bought is areĀ all down. She is a courteous person and she isĀ willing to help others.