F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Write about a few things that were very popular in your generation but not in past or current ones.


Glue – very stick stuff used to hold things together

Substance – a word to describe stuff that is made from many things and we can’t easily describe it

Elastic – something that can be stretched to become longer and then when let go will go back to its normal size
Stretchy – something that can be pulled to become longer

Yoga pants = leggings

Brace – an object that helps to support and hold something together (making it stronger)

Sync – two connect two things (digitally)
eg. I just synced my Iphone with my Itunes on my laptop to transfer files easily.
eg. We need to do this at the same time so we need to sync our watches.

Pottery – to make something from clay (usually a very deep dish)

èœÂ  ï¼cuisine/dish (a dish is one meal made from a cuisine, usually a specific type of dish)
eg. Hongshaorou is a Shanghainese dish
eg. My favorite Japanese dish is Udon noodles.

Fond – to like something
eg. I am very fond of this new TV show I just started watching

Petite – small (girls may use it to refer to being small and skinny
eg. I think she looks very petite in that dress.
Debut – 
first time to be seen (premiere)

Allegedly – someone thinks something is real but doesn’t have proof



synchronization [sink-row-nai-zaa-shin]

Debut [day-bew]

Forest Gump – popular American movie


One of the fondest memories Canadians have of the late 90s is of the North American house hippo, a petite creature allegedly found “throughout Canada, and the eastern United States.” It made its debut in a national PSA that aimed to educate viewers about critical thinking with regard to what they see in broadcast media. The message was simple – don’t believe everything you see on television.