F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Vast – a really big.large amount of something that covers a big amount of space

Obligation – a very deep/strong meaning to do something or go somewhere

Rapidly – very quickly

Might – maybe  (always future tense)

Advertising (ads) – to show something to people so many people can know about it (clothes, shoes, cosmetics, cars, etc)

Opposed – against something (formal)

Opposite – something that is the complete different side something (hot/cold, high/low, tall/short)

Tons – a lot of (quantity 多少)

Political – connected  to the government

Cultural – 文化

Historic – Something famous or popular because of history (buildings, or places)

Site – a place to visit with borders (website, historic site, construction site)

Agency – a company with a special focus/job (travel agency, spy agency)


Natural [na-chi-rol]

Advertising [ad-veer-tai-zing]

More [Mo-or]

Express [x-sp-ress]

Obligation [ob-la-gay-shin]

Chain [Ch-aa-n]

It’ll [it-tol]

Flies [Fl-i-z]

Apply [A-pla-i]

Plane [Play-n]

Cultural [call-chi-rol]