F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Write about the type of position or role you want to work in sometime in the future.


Headhunter – person who looks for employees for other companies

Poaching – trying to steal something from another
eg. The headhunter is trying to poach our manager for another company.

Vulture – a bird who eats the left overs from other animals (doesn’t work for its food, steals it from others)

Scavenging – search for and collect from leftovers/trash

I finally accomplished my goal of quitting my job.
accomplish = finishing a goal.

statistics (stats) – numbers connected to something
eg. The stats for employee benefits from last year showed many don’t use them.

appetite – want to eat (hungry)
appetizer – before dinner (main course). After dinner you can have dessert.
Appetizer (small food/soup/salad) –> Main course (entree) –> Dessert

Pick = choose
Picky – main things you don’t like so it’s hard to pick something

Scandinavia -a group of countries including denmark, norway, sweden (sometimes iceland and finland as well)

Intervals – groups of the same amount of time that happen (every 15 minutes)


May I ask who is calling?/Who is this (calling?)

This is Joan/Joan speaking, how may I help you/(Company & position) speaking…

Our GM is having a/on vacation.


entree [on-tray]



It literally means ‘buttered table’ – indeed, the Swedish word for sandwich is smörgås. An array of small dishes, both warm and cold, a traditional smörgåsbord starts with fish, moving on to cold meats, and then warm dishes.

Cheeses come at the end. In Sweden, the smörgåsbord is always laid out in advance; in Denmark (where it’s called det kolde bord, or ‘the cold table’), dishes are sent to the table throughout the meal. A traditional lunch can take hours, and aquavit is enjoyed at regular intervals, of course.

Popular dishes for a smörgåsbord include bowls of pickled herring served with rye and crispbread, beetroot and apple salad, meatballs, pâtés, and different types of cured and smoked salmon.

Scandinavian Food