F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Write about culture shock experience that you have had traveling abroad.


Residential – connecting to where people live
eg. This is a residential area/building.
Commercial – connected to business being conducted
eg. This is a commercial area/building.

Sophisticate plan = very advanced/complex

Complex vs complicated
Complex means there is a lot of parts to something and not easy to understand (more positive meaning)
Complicated has a similar meaning but emphasis on the difficulty to understand it. (more negative meaning)

Culture shock – to be exposed to a culture that is extremely different from your own

appropriate – if something is acceptable (doing something, wearing something, saying something)
eg. Spitting in the streets is not appropriate in Western countries.

and so forth – and so on/to continue talking as if there were more examples that you could say
eg. The rainbow has so many colors like red, blue, yellow, and so forth.

Marvelous – really great or fantastic


His plan isn’t very sound. (doesn’t make sense)


Soup [Sewp]

Soap [sOp]


Culture shock (pg 195)