F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about what you did with your friend during her visit.


Seabed – the bottom of the sea

Snorkeling – 浮潜

Seafood – cooked fish from the sea
eg. I love seafood.

shrimp – Image result for shrimp

crab – Image result for crab

Coconut – Image result for coconut

Coconut milk – liquid from brown coconut

Coconut juice – liquid from green coconut

Liquid – 液体
eg. Water, milk, and juice are all liquids

Gas -气体
eg. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas

Solid – 固体
eg. The desk is a solid object.

Plastic – 塑料
eg. Plastic bags are very popular in China

material – (plastic, metal, wood, glass)
eg. What material is it made from?

Order – 订
eg. I ordered a seat in a popular restaurant

electric/Pot – 锅
eg. In my dorm I have an electric pot.


My friends come to Shanghai to find visit me

She will stay here for 3 days

The air quality is good/The air is clean

on a boat/on the ocean

Speaking exercise

I went to Phuket. I think the air quality is good. Most of these days, I over on the sea by boat and go to the different islands. Also swimming in the sea and go down in the sea to seabed.