F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Tabs – the buttons for individual pages on excel, google chrome, internet explorer

Phrase – sentence, a familiar saying (a very standard sentence like the below)
eg.  Hey, how are you?
eg. What are you doing?

Travel Phrase – a common sentence/saying that you use during traveling.
eg. Where is the….?
eg. I would like ….
eg. Can you recommend something for me

Specialty – a specific item or area which your well known/famous for
eg. What dish/es is your specialty?/What is your specialty dish?
eg. What was your specialty in University?

Greetings – polite words you say to someone when you see them or meet them.
eg. Hello, how are you?

Farewell, Bon  voyage – to say goodbye to someone

Voyage – a very long trip (traveling far)

Polite gestures – doing/saying something nice for someone that your not required to (holding the door, compliments)

Checked luggage – the ‘BIG’ luggage you give to the airline to handle for you
eg. Would you like to check any bags today?

Carry on – the bag you bring on the plane with you

Departing/leaving/taking off (airplane, or people)…..heading out/heading off (only used for people)

Acronym – using letters to represent the name of a organization, country, company, etc (WTO, USA, UN)

Beefy Jerky  – (dried beef)

Incinerate – to burn something until nothing left

Gate – a large door or entrance way
eg. Your boarding gate for your flight is A27.


Excuse me, how can I get to …?/Where is the…?/Can you tell me where the ….. is? –> Où est le… [Ou-A-Le]

Can I have…?/I would like a …../I want a…./Please give me a…/Do you have a ….? –> Je veux un… [Je-vu-un]

How much is this?/What is the price for this/How much can you sell this for? –> Combien? [com-bi-en]

Which is your most popular dish?/Can you recommend one for me?/What is your specialty? Pouvez-vous recommander pour moi? [Pou-va, vu, recommand-a, poor, mo]

Hello – Bonjour [bon-jeur]

Thank you – Merci [Mar-cy]

Goodbye – Au revoir [Oh-ri-vor]