F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Promotional – offering something special to potential customers to make them more aware of your business.

Checked luggage – to give your luggage to the company so you don’t have to carry it
eg. I want to check my luggage.

Carry on – luggage that you must carry with you onto the plane
eg. Do you want to check that bag? ….. –> No, this bag is my carry on.

E-commerce – electronic business (alibaba)

Commerce – related to business

acronym – the version to name something (GST, WTO, USA)

GST – Goods and services tax

GST refund counter/tax service country/tax refund service/tourist tax refund

Scheme – make a large and complex plan

typical tourist sights/local attractions 

Cuisine – food from a specific area (you need to indicated the area/region)
eg. I love Italian and French cuisine
eg. I like to eat shanghai cuisine because I grew up there

Local cuisine – local regional food

Specialty –  something that a person/restaurant is known/famous for (similar to recommendation)
eg. What is your chef/restaurants specialty.
eg. I want to try to specialty dish.
eg. Oh! Your a chef, what kind of food is your specialty?

Announcement – when someone says something on the airplane or speakers (airport, concert, school, etc)

Departing – to be leaving from something/somewhere
eg. We will be departing from shanghai airport shortly.
eg. We have safely landed in Bangkok, you may not depart the plane.

Taking off/leaving/departing/……..heading off/heading out (leaving a room/building)
eg. We will be departing from shanghai airport shortly.
eg. We will be leaving from shanghai airport shortly.
eg. We will be taking off from shanghai airport shortly.

eg. I’m heading out shortly/we will head out shortly
eg. See you tomorrow, I’m heading off. (after finishing something)

What do you recommend I see and do during my stay

Core – the middle of something (fruit, planet, language, etc)

Syntax – the order/structure of a language/sentences.