F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


perform – 演出

performance – to perform for people

Accent -口音 to sound differently even though speaking same language

Gate – a large doorway (your university)

Chinese and foreign theater history 



I have been in Shanghai since Sept.

I have been in Shanghai for a half year.

I studied in Hebei before I came to Shanghai

It is from 1120 to 12:00.

6:15 = quarter past 6/ six fifteen

6:30 = six thirty/half past six

6:10 = six ten/ten to six

The class will by 12:00.

Speaking exercise


When I talk to him I think I have many mistake. – When I talked/spoke with him, I think I made many mistakes

I say a sentence but its not what I means.  = I tried to talk/speak, but couldn’t … say what I meant/express myself/explain myself. 

Where do you live at tonight (in a hotel) = where are you staying tonight?

I was in a theater group and helped actors to prepare the costumes

The shortest class is one and a half hours, and the longest class is 3 hours.

