F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Research for your trip and write about it with greater detail.


Ditch – a narrow low part of land beside the road

Nervous – 紧张 to be afraid of something or worried about something

Phrase – a simple saying
eg. My name is…
eg. I want…
eg. Where is…

Escargot – french/english word for the edible snails 

Edible – can be eaten

frog – Image result for frog

Delicacy – a rare food often considered extremely delicious

Fondue – melted cheese, chocolate or oil to cook food

Appetizer – a small food that you start off with before the big meal

Marsh-mellow – a small white puffy sugary food

Puffy – something soft you can squeeze and will go back to original shape/size


Would do you want to visit/see/speak with/talk to

I think france French don’t speak English very well

Because my cousin was an expat to in France to working for two years.

She will come back on in July.

Speaking exercise


I think the most exciting thing in France for me is the castles. There is a lot of castles in France and I plan to take a day to visit 2-3 castles.