F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Coins, Tossed, Bills, Guess, Chased, Guarantee, Chance, opportunity

  1. I forgot to give her my phone number so I _________ after her to give it to her.
  2. Tomorrow there is a 70% ______ it will be sunny.
  3. In my pocket, I had a few 100 RMB ______.
  4. He gave me his _________ that I would get a higher salary after 6 months.
  5. He _______ his phone in the air but didn’t watch it and it fell on the floor.
  6. My pocket was heavy because of all the _____ in it.
  7. I didn’t know what she wanted so I had to _______
  8. I got  my first _______ to travel abroad when I was 18.


Coin – metal money (small valued money)
eg. I have a 1 rmb coin

Toss – a light throw in the air
eg. Lets do a coin toss

Bills/Note – paper money
eg. 10 dollar bill, two 5$ bills

Guessing – to not know the answer to something but try to do it anyways
eg. On the exam I don’t know the answer to a question so I started guessing.
eg. I guessed the answer on the test.
eg. I had to guess what the answer was because I didn’t know.

Chase – to run after someone/something
eg. She forgot her key, so I chased after her to bring it to her.
eg. She forgot something so he was chasing after her to return it.

Guaranteed (1oo%) – something that will definitely happen/for sure will happen
eg. I am guaranteed a salary increase after 6 months because my boss told me.
eg. It is guaranteed that I will go running/jogging

Chance/Possibility (.01-99.99%) – Something can happen
eg. There is a chance/possibility for me to win a million dollars in the lottery.
eg. There is a 1% chance/possibility I will get this job.
eg. There is no chance (0%)/no possibility for me to get my old job back.
eg. Tomorrow there is a good/high chance/possibility it will be sunny
eg. There is a 50% chance to guess the heads or tails correctly
eg. Tomorrow there is no chance for rain

Opportunity – a chance for something
eg, I think university is a good opportunity to learn a lot.
eg. I have a lot of opportunity to learn English at SE.


Put off my coat – Take off my coat