F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


pontoon – wide flat boat with two float-able legs (pontoons)

turbines – rotating blades that can move air and create energy
eg. wind turbines, airplane turbines Image result for turbine

Tidal currents – the direction/flow of water (can be a push or pull force)

Diesel – 柴油机 similar to gas but often for bigger vehicles

Grid – numerous lines that are connect to each other
eg. grid paper, power grids, grid map, grid tables

Strides – the space between steps, or making advancements.
eg. The technology has advanced a lot and made big strides in just a few years

Precedent – something that happened earlier that gives support for something now
eg. 5 years ago a judge said it was illegal so that set the precedent for it to be illegal today.
eg. The owner made a rule that you can’t date coworkers/colleagues which set the precedent for the rule today

Precedence – more of a priority. more important
eg. This takes precedence over that = we will do this thing first because its more important then that thing


flowing rivers



at the peak (emphasize ‘the’)

Speaking exercise


I don’t think he reliable because we can’t estimate the energy of tides which may hurt the fish. Because anything may might/could be hurt from tidal currents.

Because all of the machines and setups are huge and made of metal. So all of these machine could be run by diesel energy.