F2F Class Notes (Jacob)





Treat someone – to pay for someone (food, movie, etc)

Singular means one, plural means more then one (usually has an ‘s’ on the end)

Tour – to visit/see new things and learn about them.
eg. I like to tour around cities and museums to learn about culture and history.


She has exercise now – She is exercising now

She told me to go out – she told me I should exercise as well

I downloaded an English language app

right? = yes or no 对不对

Weekends – what do you like to do on weekends

Weekend – What will you do on the weekend?

他今天晚上看不看电影 – Is he going to see a movie tonight?


Usually [U-ja-li]

tour [T-or]

Whole [hole]

Wh – when together, don’t say the w sound