F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Big effort for little reward 

Zoom in – to look closer at something

Zoom out – to have a further/big view with less details

Scrolling – to move a page up and down

Bird’s eye view – a top down view as if you were in the sky

Degradation – causing the condition of something getting worse

Deterioration – the process of somethings condition getting worse over time

Incorporate – to put add something and use it
eg. I want you to incorporate ‘some word’ into your sentence

Liability – being responsible if something bad happens

Intentionally – not an accident, someone does something on purpose

Mandate – a requirement in a policy, law, regulation



instead focused


Setting up


make food – cook food 

True man – real man 

Speaking exercise

Tonight we will celebrate my daughters birthday. I will go to Taichang tomorrow or the day after. I want to find an apartment there because of my residential status.