F2F Class Notes (Jacob)

Class Structure

Welcome to my class

Now we will start/begin our class

First we will stretch

Our first position is …


Knee cap – the top bone protecting your knee

Flex – to pressure/squeeze your muscles and make them tight

Extend – reach/make your body part go further length

Stretch – to reach out or make use of your muscles

Warm up – A period of time used to make ones muscles prepared for use

Health condition – a health problem that is long term

Inhale – Breath air in

Exhale – Breath out

Bend – put pressure on a muscle by curving it


Triceps – Bottom muscle on upper arm

Biceps – Top muscle on upper arm


Are you pregnant?

You are injury? – Do you have an injury?


Try to learn as many English yoga terms for your next class and you can try to give a short quick demo so we can work on pronunciation.