F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


 Review the below

Next Class Focus

Look at a/the book

Go see a/the movie

I will visit a/the park

Use a: Person doesn’t know what your talking about

Use the: If other person knows which thing your topic about

I’m pass out around 11pm – I passed out around 11pm.


Painting: 画画

Stand Out – make something look/do something differently (easy to see)
eg. Bright colors stand out more
eg. I want to stand out in class, so I ask a lot of questions

Highlight – To make something stand out/look different using color, marking, showing in movie trailer (预告片)
eg. What was the highlight (best part) of your day?
eg. The highlight (best part) of my morning was eating a big breakfast
eg. I need to highlight (use color) the important words in my book

Shading – filling in a dark color to show shadows

Palette – small flat wood board for food/painting/art Image result for Palette

Contrast – How colors look when they are together/close
eg. If two colors look good together then they have a good contrast
eg. Yellow and red have a good contrast together

Deepen – 加深 make something more deep/have more depth
eg. We should deepen our knowledge of something

Deep/depth – 
eg. How deep is the water
eg. What is the depth of the water

Tone (color/sound) – the sound you use to say a word to show feeling (In Chinese different tones have different meaning, In English same meaning but different emotion), the feeling that you get from colors (bright colors can be good/warm, dark colors don’t feel good)
eg, I can hear his tone of his voice and he sounds angry!

Realistic/Photorealistic – Looks real
eg. The painting looks so realistic!

Mirror – 镜子 shiny surface so we can see our self
eg. I look into the mirror to do my makeup