F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Understand how to use the a/the from the bottom.


I want a peace of cake


Peace/Piece – know the different spellings. but same sound

Piece – a part of something
eg. I want two pieces of pizza
eg. I dropped my cup and it broke in many pieces

Rip/tear – to pull something apart

Dive (Past tense: dove) – To jump into/out of something
eg. She wanted to dive into the pool
eg. She went skydiving

Ride – to sit on something and use it (horse, bicycle, scooter)

River – 河  Water that is flowing

Riverbank (side of river) – 河边

Take – to bring something somewhere
eg. Don’t forget to take your stuff after class
eg. It is important to take an umbrella if the sky is grey

Impulse: Something you really want to do
eg. I have an impulse to take a nap everyday

Juice – flavor/water from a fruit/vegetable
eg. I prefer fresh apple juice.


TAKE (Taa-k)

Look at a/the book

Go see a/the movie

I will visit a/the park

Use a: Person doesn’t know what your talking about

Use the: If other person knows which thing your topic about