F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Do you think investing is interesting or scary?

Govern – to rule over

Government – 政府

Graph – 

Positive (+)/ plus – something that has gone up or has positive value

eg. My stock has positive 10% today.

Negative (-)/ minus – something that has gone down or has negative value

eg. I hope my stock doesn’t have a negative change.

Investing – putting money in something that can increase or decrease value.

eg. I just bought some stock and started investing.

Quote – the price/value of something.

eg. I looked at the quote for my stock today.

Oil – 

Gold – 

Symbol/ticker – ID for a stock

Industry – What kind of field its in

Real Estate – company that deals with housing/land

Employee – People that work at a company

eg. I am an employee at Smart English

Founded – when a company opened

eg. Smart English was founded in 2012 (opened in).

Value – how much something is worth

eg. What is the total value of your stocks?