F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Tolerate – can allow something to happen or continue (accept/bear it)
eg. I can’t tolerate someone shouting at me.

Yelling = shouting 

Inept – to lack skill or understand for something
eg. He is inept at doing the paperwork for his sales.

Junior – lack of experience (from age)

Smoked – 熏制

Naive – you think everything is good and believe simple things (the world is a happy place)
To be young and naive – to think about when we were young and did silly/dumb things (little or no consequences for our actions)

Off the hook – to not have to be responsible for doing some difficult work, or not get in trouble for something you did (to be free from something)
eg. I was suppose to finish a project this weekend but my coworker completed it so I am off the hook
eg. Rich and famous people often get off the hook even if they break the law.

I got off the hook with a slap on the wrist – I didn’t get in trouble, just a small punishment (like a warning)


Four and a half hours

Sold out


Manufactures [Man-U-fact-ures]