F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


When you get a chance, write about how your orientation was at the new company.


Insist – to be pushy and not accept no for whatever you want.
eg. I didn’t want a new client but my boss insisted I take him.

CCP (Chinese communist party)/CPC (communist party of China) = the government of China

Clear – to understand something without any confusion or questions
eg. Is it clear what you need to do?

Highway/freeway/expressway/motorway – 高速公路

Toll – a small fee paid to used bridge, or highway
Toll booth – a small office where you pay a machine/person to use a bridge or highway
Toll highway – a highway that you must pay to use

unattached – to not be connect to something or someone (dating)
eg. She’s unattached right now so you should go ask her out.

In-depth – something with great detail given
eg. My orientation was not very in-depth, they just told us some basic information.


The total package

I haven’t seen it.
I hadn’t seen it before now.

They just became established in June